Do you feel, like I have many times, that there isn’t enough time to do all you want and need to do?

I am reminded again today that the key to accomplishing our mission, the things that we each alone were put here to do, is to prioritize what we do with our time.

The trick is prioritizing, or putting firstĀ things first.

If we wait until there is time to pray and read and study our Holy Writ, we will continue to wait.

If we wait until there is time leftover to take a walk or do some strength training, we will continue to wait.

If we wait until there is a window for eating a square meal, sitting at a table, we will continue to wait. These things must have first priority on our to do list or they just won’t get done.

God multiplies us with love and light and energy as we feed our spirits every day. He multiplies our strength and ability to lead because we have taken the time to care for our physical bodies. Stated simply, our ability to care for our families is multiplied when we are stronger in body and spirit.

Besides all this, faith is a principle of action isn’t it? Who knows all the ways that we are multiplied as we act on our faith and trust that our efforts will be made enough.

Plugging in the most important things first means we are better able to to function; to love; to cope; to excel; to accomplish the things only we can do.

I hope we can be strengthened in our resolve to fortify ourselves, every day, so that we can be a force for good!

Sending you love,


P.S. Doing first things first means that the unimportant items on our want to do list may fall by the way. But is that such a great loss? Really? We can be confident that what we are meant to do is getting done! Godspeed!

P.S. This is a picture I took in my home town last spring!