This post is inspiration and then an unblushing ad. Just so you know off the top. Two designs of Lioness planners are available for order, but first a word about the why.
I heard a wise man say, “plan your work and work your plan.” Sounds like a good idea doesn’t it?

And, I can’t think of another occupation that needs planning more than family leading requires!
So many details to manage for one person or ten!
Dental visits, soccer games, homework, science projects, home maintenance, piano practicing, cooking, projects and on and on and on.
Yes, we can get good at being creative in our quick responses to the things we’ve forgotten or neglected or failed to prepare for, but that takes a lot of adrenaline doesn’t it? {Yes, I think we can all relate to that!}
But, I like my life so much better when I have taken the time to look over my week and connect the dots; how one day flows into the next; what I need to do to prepare for meals and meetings, goals and greeting cards, chores and children!
It seems to some that planning takes more work than just attending to whatever is making the most noise and or what is most pressing at the moment. But planning actually helps to quiet the noise of the things in your life that need attention, and puts you in the driver’s seat of deciding how to proceed, before, when at all possible, situations turn into emergencies.
I feel calmer, more connected and in control of myself and my responsibilities.
But the biggest blessing that comes from planning for me is a sense of my own boundaries. What I can say “yes” to for instance, or what and when I need to decline. What needs to be done on a given day so that I can stay up with the things that are most important to me.
I’m not perfect at planning. Some days I really under-utilize my beautiful Lioness planner! But without a place to keep notes, remember appointments, document doctor’s visits and car tune-up’s, I’d be in a terrible mess!
We created the Lioness planner for you too. We put soft reminders for self-care; places to keep track of when you took your car in for maintenance; declarations for the month and the week; monthly meal planning pages; year planning, month and week and day planning, and much more!
The reason we thought and talked and sketched and planned and designed and printed is so that we can feel empowered and at ease in this family-leadership life!
The Lioness planner {in peach or lavender} is 188 beautiful pages of sanity. When you order, I’ll share a video with you about how to take advantage of all the mind-saving features we built-in.
I love a New Year and I hope that 2019 will be your best year yet!
And I hope that a Lioness planner might help you to accomplish all you dream of doing and becoming as you move forward and upward in the coming months!
My love to you,
Annual Lioness Planner $35
Here’s a sneak peek at a few pages…