Dear Father in Heaven;

I thank Thee for the opportunity to be acquainted with wonderful women, Lionesses who are an inspiration to me!

I thank Thee for their goodness and their grit. For their exuberance and excellence.

I am so grateful that they are here at this time, making a difference for good!

Please Lord, help me to speak the truth in love; to encourage and to bless them in every word I speak.

Please bless us all to have Thy inspiration as we set our goals and create our vision for the coming year.

May Thy light shine through us to lift and bless every soul we meet. May we be Women who rejoice and are glad! Who look for the good and who speak kindly of and to ourselves and others. Who recognize our errors, and are quick to forgive, quick to apologize and to seek forgiveness.

May we honor the Men in our lives each day and give our appreciation freely for the gift they are to us and the vital role they fulfill for our children.

May we leave Victim-hood behind us forever and become stronger Agents each day.

Please help us to know Thy will and remind us often that we can do all things through Thee.

In Jesus’ name,
