Well! Here we are at the top of a new year! I hope you are doing well, recovering from all the holiday craziness (I really hope you’ve gotten at least one good nap!) and anticipating good things to come!
While studying one early morning last week, long before our kids and grandkids emerged from their beds, I followed a note I had written to myself to look up this song and study the lyrics. I found the recording from the Tabernacle Choir on YouTube and then the lyrics online. I listened and read simultaneously, and was moved to tears. (Just hearing the first two lines, that are so tenderly powerful, melted me!)
This music is full of love and courage since for now, we’re walking through the dark, throwing our faith out ahead of us, just enough to take a few steps further!
With the message of this beautiful music, I wish you a year of learning & practicing love, of playing, praying & accepting; of remembering, striving, forgiving, repenting and then enjoying the spaces of peace that follow.
How can we maintain enough of the faith and hope that doing these important things requires? The only way I know, is by consistently spending time in prayer and being immersed in the words of Christ, as part of a daily love gathering routine.
Could you use a little help and support?
Please click the link below for a short ebook introduction to the Healing With Love concepts, or take our feelings survey or check out details about the Healing With Love class.
I also have one coaching spot coming available. Lioness 1:1 coaching clients also have the option of adding the Healing With Love class to their weekly coaching, free of extra charge, which is an incredible value!
In the coming year, I pray we’ll collectively move toward being more accountable by telling more of the truth about ourselves, toward feeling truly loved, and then by showing far greater love to our families and friends. Yes, we absolutely can do this!
We are learning to live what we believe, with the Lord’s power and grace, as we learn and practice the principles of unconditional love!
We can do and be better, happier and experience much less drama in our lives, because His voice is the sound of love.