{Name that movie!}

Very simply stated, if we begin to feel that life is too much and we couldn’t possibly do all that is “required” of us, then it is time to take stock.

I’m not referring to the requirements of the every day demands of caring for people, which can certainly stretch us to our very limits! If the very basics are feeling beyond your ability, it may be time to ask for help from a trusted resource.

For this post, I’m talking about the expectations beyond the basics that may be unnecessary or unrealistic, which may be driving you and draining you of the energy you need for every day, regular stuff, like keeping people clean and fed!
Expectations you may carry that are culture-driven, such as:

My home needs to be magazine designer quality and picture perfect!
I need to have the body of a marathon runner. {Air-brushing and editing photos of models is downright evil in my opinion.}
I’m supposed to be able to run all day and not get tired.
I don’t have time to eat, so I’ll just get by with candy and soda.
I should be able to do everything I want to do in my life, and right now.
It doesn’t matter if I stay up til early morning, I can get by on four hours sleep.
I should never ask for help, otherwise I will be seen as a failure.
{That last point makes it clear that if we are being driven by what we may appear to be versus what we truly are, we need a course correction in our thinking haste pronto!}

Real life, and every day demands for a woman with young children can be satisfying and joyful, and sometimes exhausting and overwhelming. {Ok, what an understatement that was!} Here’s an important thing to consider: In those times of intensity, test yourself against what really matters. What is most important to you and your family at this stage of your development as a family? What is humanly possible and reasonable to expect from yourself? Answer these questions as best you can and then do your best to let go of any illusions you may be creating.

Most often, simple is far easier to maintain. Simple schedules, simple wardrobes, simple and fewer toys, simple hair cuts and simple meals set you up for being awake and present for simple joys.

Scale it back if you feel harried. You’ll be glad you did! And your children will love your presence and attention. The truth is, they will be gone very soon and you are what they want and need most.

Love to you!


P.S. Remember your “big rocks” as you take stock. {Your daily self and family-nurturing habits.} Keep them and the rest will fall away if you run out of time or energy for the “sand, gravel and water”–the less important things aren’t going to make or break your success!

P.P.S. The time you spend planning and deciding and creating systems of support for yourself are not “sand, gravel or water” that is big rock time! Can you create and receive support from yourself, which will prepare you to receive help from others?

P.P.P.S. Bless you!