Ever wonder why your kids ask for things they already know they can’t have or do, with your blessing?
“Mom, can I have more candy?”
“Mom, can I stay longer at my friend’s house?”
“Mom, can I stay up later tonight?”
“Mom, can I wear this (immodest thing)?”

These questions can “drive you crazy” if you’re in a Victim Mama brain.
But if you’re in your Agent Mama brain, you’ll see these questions are actually your child reaching for another witness of your love.
No need to be snippy or irritated when restating a boundary. (And firmness doesn’t require anger.)
Especially when you hear the real question: “Mom, are you there and do you love me?”
Say no, for their sakes, and give them something steady and sure to count on in a world of confusion.
Say no and help them get the sleep, nourishment, connection, education and good habits they need in order to become loving and responsible adults.
Make sure you have enough love in your proverbial, tank to help you stand lovingly firm, and not be tempted into a popularity contest!
Because the truth is, with every kind, gentle, respectful and firm no you give, your children will hear your love.
Love this, Jacque! My kids did hear “No” quite often. Now I understand why! And I hear my kids doing the same for these same questions. It makes a lot of sense because they do usually know the answer already. Thanks! Lesley
Hello Lesley! Thank you for chiming in and yes, knowing your kids at least a little, it seems they did hear a lot of love from their mama!! How wonderful it is to see another generation loving their kids too. Bless you my friend.