I just participated in a webinar created and hosted by personal branding specialist, Christina Frei, and her company, Marketing For Humans. (www.christinafrei.com)
It was inspiring for me to learn more and talk through, her five Innate Marketing Genius types:
Door Opener
Steady Presence
Adventure Guide
The reason I share this with you, is that I got to thinking that as parents, we are all in a nurturing role. And yet, sometimes being a “nurturer” may not feel like our basic way of being in the world!
Maybe, we’re more of a Celebrator type who wants to make life fun for everyone!
Or maybe, we are totally immersed in learning and want to open doors for others by teaching and informing them.
Maybe we see ourselves as more of a guide to adventure than a quiet, calm presence.

See where this can go?
If you don’t feel like a nurturer in general, do you sometimes feel conflicted about your job as a parent?
I think we all feel conflicted o’plenty!
If you would be interested in learning more about this line of thinking, here’s a challenge:
I recommend taking the free, 5 minute quiz that Christina provides on her site which is designed to helps you find, “Your Innate Marketing Genius.” (She works with business owners, so the types were created to help people find their voice in marketing their services. However, I think having this information could be helpful to anyone, particularly parents. The more self-knowledge we have the better we can be right?)
When you see yourself predominantly in one of the types, then, you might:
– look for the ways you naturally help others
– see the ways that you can be a more nurturing parent within your style
– feel more successful as a parent by capitalizing on your strengths
– feel less conflicted, and maybe even less rebellious about embracing the nurturer role when you see that need arise.
– have a fun conversation with your child/children/spouse about the way that you see yourself and your strengths, and invite them to see theirs!
– create a stronger family team by capitalizing on the strengths of each member!
– create an open dialog about how and when to let each other know what each person needs, especially in uncertain times.
-be able to better recognize the nurturing language of the people who want to nurture you!
– gain a greater understanding of what “nurturing” means to each family member, and be inspired to know how to fulfill those needs. (i.e. might a Celebrator child feel nurtured and reassured by doing something fun? Or might a Steady Presence child crave quiet time, just being held?)
I feel blessed this morning, to be reminded that there are good people everywhere you look, who desire to help and are willing to reach out! It’s also wonderful to remember that every person is needed, with their special gifts and way of seeing the world. We need one another, now and always.
Thank you for all you are doing to help others, particularly children, feel seen and heard and safe! I wish you a wonderful day full of learning, inspiration, encouragement and JOY.
God bless you.

(For a closer look at Christina’s work, you might consider joining her webinar, tomorrow at 3:00 Eastern Time here: https://www.innatemarketinggenius.com/marketing-for-humans-special-edition/ )
The mission of Lioness at the Door is to uplift, strengthen and encourage women of all ages to magnify health, hope and happiness at home We do so boldly, with humility and gratitude for the opportunity.