Civility: politeness, courtesy, respect, mannerliness, graciousness, consideration, gentility.
Think of what can be lost when a family doesn’t practice civility at home –opportunities to connect; to work as a team; to support one another; to learn patience and self-control.
As our culture declines in it’s expectation of and commitment to civility, it becomes even more crucial that as family leaders, we expect and commit to teaching our children civility.

Photo by Alvin Mahmudov on Unsplash
And we do that best with our example.
When and where do we have opportunity to shine in this regard?
All the time. And everywhere.
When we are driving.
When we are having a conversation.
When we are learning or teaching something new.
When we are shopping.
When we are cooking.
When we are cleaning.
When we make mistakes.
Parents who behave in civil ways will be teaching their children without words. {The. Best. Teaching. Ever.} Children who practice being civil to their family members and friends will become anchors of strength in society.
What ways are you teaching this important principle at your house?
Could it be part of our validating mantra of kind, gentle, respectful and FIRM? I think so!
I hope you are well! Keep moving forward, I know you’re making progress!

“The mission of Lioness at the Door is to uplift, strengthen and encourage women of all ages to magnify health, hope and happiness at home. We do so boldly, with humility and gratitude for the opportunity.”
Jacque, there’s been this intense woman living inside me who would get urked by so many things my man and my children do. I am learning more about her and how to silence her and ask her to take a seat. She’s horrible at human interaction and makes a mess of my most important relationships.
Have you ever heard of The Queen’s Code by Alison Armstrong? Or For Women Only by Shanti Feldhahn? Discovering these treasures about the biological differences between men and women and how to interact with the men in my life in more effective ways has completely freed me of this intense woman.
I have so much peace. And the civility, and tender love and care for all the men in my life (3 left at home and 5 others living elsewhere) has been miraculous to experience. The insights have blown my mind…in all the beautiful ways. Thank you for this post. Seeing this new perspective on our divinely designed differences has awakened a very natural kindness, gentleness and respect for all men…everywhere.
Thank you for your comment Jonell! No, I haven’t heard of those books, thank you for sharing that info and your insights!! I imagine that if you loved them and learned from them, the rest of us may too! xo