{That is a Kronk quote in case you haven’t seen the Emperor’s New Groove lately.}
Only I’m talking about feeling the power of validation!

{I couldn’t resist this picture!}
When your child has a problem and they come to you in anger or frustration and blurt out who is being mean or what happened on the way home from school or what their teacher said, using validating phrases and questions can help them sort through their problem and arrive at their own resolution.
They need to know you’re listening, so give them your full attention.
Then they will know that you care.
The powerful part is that, when you are in a groove of validating others, you feel the heady lightness of knowing you aren’t carrying everyone else’s problems! Not only do we not need to assume other people’s problems, but we mustn’t override when problem solving is within their reach because it serves as a catalyst to their own growth and maturation.
Lend a listening ear without feeling the need to fix the problems you may hear.
Validate your own growth and practice solving what problems that are yours to solve.
Practice, practice, practice.
That’s what we’re all doing!
Love to you,
P.S. For more inspiration on this topic on the Lioness blog, search posts with the word validation! Hope it helps!