Are you using essential oils? I have some new favorites I wanted to share with you.

There are so many oil companies out there. And many of them produce subpar products. I have enjoyed this company a lot because their oils are high quality while being practically priced. Very practically priced.

A few months ago I purchased Eden’s Garden’s ceramic diffuser and two oil blends that are soooo lucsious! Joy and Aphrodisiac. {They offered a couple of blends at a reduced price with the diffuser or I may not have tried these particular ones. Ha!}

They are each wonderful alone but they also are great together.
{Wish I could post a smell sample!}

Besides being fun to wear, oils are such a wonderful way to put beautiful scents in your home without using toxic chemical sprays and synthetic fragrances in candles or the like.

I am very pleased with this diffuser too. It is nice looking and works very well. If you’ve never owned one, I highly recommend them!

Love to you in all you are doing today! You’re leaving things better and I love you for it!
