We’re all fighting a battle at the door of our minds.
No matter what our circumstances, no matter the day, we’re choosing how to think about whatever is happening, what thoughts to let in, what thoughts to reject.
Sometimes we feel frustrated or angry or unloved…and every time we feel those feelings, we can trace their start to a thought we had.
The baby steps that lead us to greater peace and purpose and productivity are recognizing more and more quickly what thoughts we are entertaining, and then choosing, on purpose to replace those that are negative with the positive truth.

I am not referring to the times when we need to grieve.
Sometimes we grieve, as we should, and that is a process of adjusting to loss and to the unknown.
Grief comes in waves and needs to be felt and experienced in order to adapt and grow.
Avoiding grief for a long period of time has consequences that can leave us spinning in pain, and can lead to self-medicating addiction.
I am referring to the every minute choice we make to stay in love.
When gloom overtakes us, we can step back and trace our thoughts back to the decision we made to let gloom in.
And we can change that first downward, inward spinning thought by replacing it with God’s light and love.
Someone says something in anger.
We feel shocked.
We might subtly begin to turn inward, begin mounting a defense, feel justified in lashing out in self-protection. But this is victim thinking that leads to victim behavior.
We always have the option, to go deep inside and say the words,
“I choose you Heavenly Father. I choose to handle this Your way. Please help me to see Your way.”
That one thought, that one decision opens heaven’s doors and illuminates the path to peace. And often the path to peace begins with returning a soft answer to someone who is hurting.
This thinking process is happening multiple times a day with or without our awareness.
Feelings can be the litmus test.
I have heard that feelings don’t have brains.
But I submit that most often, feelings follow thoughts.
And our minds, our thinking, our subtle decisions are our greatest field of battle.
We can defend ourselves like a Lioness at the Door of our minds.
We can, as agents, decide what will come in and be multiplied by our attention, and what will be immediately rejected, even as it’s shadow crosses the door!
I’m sending you my love today!
Fight sisters! Fight!

The mission of Lioness at the Door is to uplift, strengthen and encourage women of all ages to magnify health, hope and happiness at home. We do so boldly, with humility and gratitude for the opportunity.
Very good post . Well worth reading .
Thank you Connie. It’s always nice to hear from you! xo
Love you! xo