Hello my Friend! I hope you are well.
This morning I woke up thinking about peace.
About lifting off emotional weight; feeling lighter in our steps; being habitually more relaxed and having calmness in our interactions with others.
Mostly, having a clear conscience, which feels like inhaling and resting in light!

How are you feeling today?
Are you struggling with contention, in your own mind or with your loved ones?
Are you tired and feeling hopeless?
Do you feel defeated and wonder how things can possibly turn around when you feel so powerless to change the way others are behaving?
If not, I am so glad!
If so, I understand.
I’ve been there a million times and I am taking care not to exagerate.
Drama is painful, and we keep it alive by feeling miserable about our own behavior toward those we love, not, by their behavior toward us, as much as we want to believe that!
We justify our wrong, unloving behavior, (speaking in anger, yelling, hitting, withdrawing, criticizing, etc.) by rehearsing over and over the perceived injustices we have suffered.
We think, what else can I do but yell? Who wouldn’t be angry? Anyone in this situation, living with these people, would be frustrated!
These ongoing justifications keep us spinning, spinning, spinning in pain; intense and at times, debilitating pain.
One thing to remember is that you didn’t invent this painful way of being! The fact is, you likely inherited it from parents trying to do their best, but struggling to feel loved themselves; from the maladaptive and destructive behavior examples we watch on tv and in movies. It’s what we know, what we’ve been taught, what we have witnessed time and time again.
Once we understand that we are standing in the way of our relationships moving forward, we can do as we have been taught all our lives: we can turn to God and repent.
Peace lives in the words, I am sorry.
I have been empty. I have been afraid. I have nurtured my anger and it has hurt you. Please forgive me.
Peace can be now.
Sending my love to you today!
I pray you will be well and empowered to try again.

My I recommend The Power of TED. It has been so helpful in understand the drama triangle and how easy we get stuck in victim. Then what the opposite is and how to go there. Giving us the choice.
Thank you Becky, the drama triangle is helpful to understand. (The Power of TED is by David Emerald)
I love the Real Love books so much in part because they have helped me get to the root of that drama game. Thank you for being here and for sharing your insight!