Remember the idea that the things you love to do, the things you feel passionate about are your Primary food? And that what you actually eat is secondary to your health?

If you’re not sure if you agree, think about the last time that you did something you enjoyed so much you didn’t track the time! You just entered that space where time flies by and you don’t notice it passing. You don’t get hungry or notice your aches and pains if you have them! I think it makes you feel younger and more alive!

That’s the kind of “food” we need to be getting in regular doses.

What is that for you?

If it’s been awhile since you experienced Primary food, or if you’re unsure about what you love, you may have to look back through a journal or talk to your spouse or to a good friend and get re-inspired about what makes you tick. Or, maybe it’s time to try some new things!

Whatever you decide to do or to try, just take a little time to recharge your battery by getting some good Primary food nutrition! Everyone in your house will be better off because of the skip in your step in the long run don’t you think?

Happy reading! Or biking! Or skiing! Or writing! Or taking pictures! Or playing the piano! Or whatever floats your boat.

Be well.

