In order to be loving daughters, sisters, wives and mothers, we need to know and feel that we are loved.
This is priority number one.
Gathering that love into our lives by communing with God through prayer, scripture study, consuming conference talks and good music is our number one priority and our blessed privilege.
To be clear, there isn’t a Facebook post or Pinterest pin or YouTube video that is better able to give us what we desperately need.
There also isn’t enough caffeine or Netflix in the world to ease our real pain.
Granted, “quick-fixes” that are vying for our attention, and even our favorite addictions, are screaming pretty loudly!

While the still small voice is pricking our consciousness with pangs of misery each time we give away another hour of our agency to that which will never satisfy our need to feel loved and valued.
I encourage you to do whatever it takes to make love gathering your top priority. All else will fall into it’s proper place or go away, and won’t be missed.
Love gathering is not for the retired, those-who-have-nothing-better-to-do or the religiously fanatical.
Love gathering is for everyone who wants to become the most loving, responsible and content version of themselves as possible.
How do you know if you need more love gathering in your life? Well, how irritated, angry, victimized by every day life, rebellious or miserable and out of control do you feel?
That’s how badly you need love.
Get the real thing every day without exception. Feed your soul as often as you feed your body: every single day!
Then see what happens.
This is our priority and privilege as covenanted, Christ-converted women.
And as we gather His love, and become radiantly loving and responsible, we will change the world.
And feel much, much better while we’re at it.
God bless you.
Oh! And if you’re already moving through the motions of spiritual self-care, but you’re not feeling the love, it may be time to clean off your receptors. More about that here.