Do you remember the girl you were?

When hopefully, life was simpler and there were childlike joys to be found?


For some, even for many, there were also wounding times during childhood that, over time, can plague even the most stalwart, driven and loving heart.

And somewhere in all of the complexity of our minds and bodies, there can be lodged the untruths that may have accompanied those wounds.

No matter if you can relate to what I am saying or not, would you take a little challenge today?

I challenge you to write on a piece of paper the words, “I forgive” and slip it into your pocket.

Every time you are aware of that hidden note throughout the day, would you rehearse in your mind those two powerful words? “I forgive.”

And, during those rehearsals, at times add, “I forgive myself.”

This is one of the most powerful declarations I know. How much pain can be alleviated, sorrows forgot and truth revealed through claiming the power to forgive oneself {especially of the ill-placed blame that children sometimes carry with them into adulthood!}?

I pray for you. You who are carrying the weight and responsibility of nurturing the next generation. It is a great and blessed calling and a massive challenge that requires your health!

For you, for your marriage and for your children’s sake, please take good care of yourself today, inside and out.

Much love,


P.S. Having our minds in a space of forgiveness, openness, gratitude and humility calls down the blessings of heaven. And we all need heaven’s help. Maybe this exercise will simply make way for inspiration to come concerning the next step you can take on your healing path! Love you!