Do you ever wake up on Monday morning and hit a wall of overwhelm in your mind?

Feeling like you have too much to do?

Or new goals that you’re not sure how to incorporate into an already full schedule? It has happened to me on too many occasions!

I’d like to share with you the best way I know to nip that heavy feeling in the bud!

But first, see if you can relate to this pattern. To some degree a person might:

1 have challenging circumstances to face, or simply want to add in a new challenge on purpose.

2 begin entertaining thoughts of, “I don’t know how I’m going to manage this,” or “There’s no way I can add in one more thing.”

3 go into mental hyper-speed, considering the impossibility of the situation. (Nope, this temptation habit doesn’t go away when kids are out of diapers, so waiting for circumstance to change versus getting head clear on this process is delaying the inevitable!)

4 when the spinning thoughts reach overwhelm on the dial, circuits become jammed. By that I mean, the ability to receive inspiration and support and strength becomes sluggish or stops. It’s like a heavy lid has been placed over spiritual receptors and minds can swirl in a backwash of negative, limiting thoughts, inward and downward.

5 in lock-down and away from the source of help, a person can become fearful, angry, despondent.

6 begin to say cutting things, to self and others. Judge self for an inability to cope, judge others (mostly closest loved ones) for not getting how hard life is! {A person may even feel angry toward or betrayed by anyone who challenges them to a goal that seems like doing more, when their effort is actually to help them to be more.}

7 feel justified in bad behavior toward self and others in part because they are emotionally bleeding from self-inflicted wounds that come from cutting self-judgement and comparisons to those who seem happy and functioning. OUCH!

8 at this stage, life just gets plain hard. Tears. Hormone imbalance. Suffering.

Can you relate to this pattern? If you’ve never experienced it, I’m so glad! If you have or are, I hope the following will be a massive assist for you! Ready for the prescription?

It is simple. It takes next to no time. It is free. It can change everything in a matter of split-seconds. Anyone can do it.

In fact, it is so simple that you may be skeptical at the efficacy of the remedy. But here it is:

It’s a declaration.

Just one.

“I love my life.”

Would you read that and say it out loud?

“l love my life.”

Don’t try to qualify it in your mind, thinking of all the things that are wrong that need to be settled first before that sentence will be true.

Even if the garage needs cleaning.

Even if you are tired.

Even if the dishes have gotten away from you.

Even if you are moving through a period of grief.

Say the words. Let them be your mantra. Anytime your thoughts take a negative turn, cut into the mental chaos with these words, “I love my life.”

Your brain isn’t in charge. You are. Tell it what you want it to think.

On purpose, choose the mental path that will:

Stop the mental inward and downward spinning
Stop the comparisons
Stop the jamming of spiritual circuits
Stop the self-abuse
Stop the use of sharp words aimed at those you love

And start feeling the love. It’s there! It’s full of energy and light and inspiration!

The love (that is already around you everywhere) will broaden your mind and spirit. And being open to the love of God will put you on the receiving end of His abilities and strength!

It will multiply your abilities. It will strengthen your determination. It will guard you against spiritual enemies.

Love will lift your burden; help you to be loving and kind; draw others to your aid when you need assistance.

Love will strengthen your body and help you to move and circulate and assimilate and boost your immunity.

“I love my life.”

This short sentence is full of gratitude. It is goodness washing over you.

Love is the antidote for heaviness; rancor; strife; pain; frustration; anger and self-loathing, but we have to drink it in.

This beautiful Monday morning, I wish you love.

Please know how we need you! Your family needs you. Your friends and neighbors need you.

And society at large is being greatly blessed by your efforts to raise strong, capable, loving children.

“I love MY life!”

In part, because of you.

Have a wonderful week blessing the world my friend!


P.S. Using the declaration, “I love my life” may lead you to asking for greater help. If you feel so inspired, don’t delay in finding someone you can trust to talk to and receive any aid you may need. Depending on the need, you may find a therapist, a spiritual leader or a coach. “I love my life” means in part, not wasting time in letting go of burdens you can fly without; getting clear on boundaries; gaining greater understanding of your life experiences which will lead to greater peace and acceptance.

P.P.S. If, by chance, you feel inspired to fast from social media for awhile, think of the time you will gain to devote more time to feeding your soul! Spending more time in light means more energy and strength. This is addition, not subtraction! More! Multiplying your time, not dividing it. Just a thought to consider…