When you recognize a negative thought running around in your mind, say stop! Don’t let it finish itself, stop it now! If it starts up again, stop it again and again, until you get so good at it that it can’t even really form into a sentence before you’ve shown it the door.
Feeling heavy in your body or spirit? Get the negativity out.
Feeling out of control or overwhelmed? Think back to the last internal conversation you had and turn it around.
It is your life. It is your mind. It is your choice.
One red flag to consider: When you feel yourself trying to control someone else, it is most likely a reaction to feeling out of control yourself. Take a break and have an honest chat with yourself. What is right in your life? What resources do you have? What positives can you draw upon? What expectations can you adjust or let go?
An hour at a time; a day at a time; that’s all we need to do.
Sending you much love,
Perfect – today has been that battle for sure. I turned it around, but man it got off to a wobbly start! Thanks for the reminder!!
Bless you for fighting the good fight! This is surely where it is fought isn’t it? xo
Needed these exact words tonight! Thanks!
You are most welcome my beautiful Archer friend! xo
Yup ,, Had to bite my tongue last night , I got caught in it ,, MY BAD ,, I finally said out loud , conversation over and walked off . sigh !!!
Good for you! I like that, “conversation over!” Was this a conversation with someone else, or with your own thoughts? xo