The new year, in her glory, is just around the corner! Here are a few questions to get ready for the energy surge the calendar flip can give you!

Would you take just a few minutes in the next 24 hours to answer these–and if you want to really hold yourself accountable to the challenge, give me a thumbs up when you’re done!

1 What are the best memories you will take away from 2017?

2 What skill would you like to learn that would best help you move to your next level in parenting or homemaking?

3 What one self-care habit would help you be your best self in the new year?

That’s it!

I hope to hear from you as you get your cogs turning. Let’s hit the ground ready to take the confident baby steps that will get us where we want to go in balance and harmony with our life’s mission!

Sending you my love,


P.S. Did the mental picture of “hit the ground ready to take baby steps” grind your gears? Ha! I like “hit the ground running myself,” and surely that’s ok if we have the structure in place to support ourselves! When we consistently take care of our basic needs, we can run quite a race. But, this family gig isn’t a sprint; it’s a long-distance run for sure. And functioning families require balance and taking things at the speed of life–Which as we know, is more like watching the seasons passing, not standing on the sidelines of the Indy 500 getting whiplash!