In his book, Seven Women and the Secret of Their Greatness, Eric Metaxas tells of the criticism that Mother Teresa received from people within and from without the church. Some thought that she should go after social structures at the heart of creating poverty, while others thought she should reorganize her missionaries so that they could help more people at a time. They suggested that governments or social programs could do more than a group of nuns and so on.

Her response was, “that God required her to do small things with great love; that while government welfare programs exist for quite admirable purposes, ‘Christian love is for a person.’ I do not add up, I only subtract from the total number of poor or dying….every act of love for the unwanted and the poor is important to Jesus.”

As you think back over this day my friend, what acts of love did you perform in your own house? Think of everything from wiping noses to cooking meals to reading stories to kindly and firmly saying no when the moment rightly called for that response.

You are doing small things every day with great love.

I hope you can feel the love and make your contribution a happy, dedicated gift to God.

May He bless your every need.

