Just a note about goal-setting for the new year…

One surefire way to bomb out on goals is to set big goals and then fail to break them down into bite-size pieces!
In Lioness coaching, we write out a vision for the year, then specific goals followed by small steps for each month and then baby steps for weeks and days.
Besides that, time-blocking pages help to create new healthy habits and mind-training skills that help to keep us mentally energized and focused on what matters most.
Lastly, I heard a quote yesterday from a very wise person:
“Are you spending your time or investing it?” Certainly, time spent thinking, praying and planning is time invested in the healthy functioning of your family! And that investment is magnified because your focus on the goals you set will help you to continue to invest your time by living your life deliberately.
That quote helps me so much, and I hope it is helpful to you too as you consider your vision for the coming year!
I wish you happiness, glowing health and exhilarating growth in the year to come. Thank you for shining your light everywhere you go!
P.S. The foot work is already done for visioneering, goal-setting/ break-down and scheduling in the Lioness planner! I’d love you to have this kind of support in the important work you are doing at home!
P.P.S. There are pictures of our latest design here. Check them out if you haven’t already!