What does spirituality mean to you? Some see spirituality as a practice, maybe a time to be alone in nature or to quiet the mind. Others feel it is learning to meditate or exercise. Yet one definition I read lately, that really strikes true to me, read along these lines:

Courage of the soul.
Expressions of love.
Surrender for something higher than self.
Loyalty to goodness.
Doing, being and living for good.
Victory over self.
Communion with the Infinite.

Since we are in the thick of a self-in-the-center culture, this kind of outward-looking, service-mindedness and priority driven behavior offers great perspective. Expecting personal growth and progress without learning interdependence and teamwork is like trying to become a winning soccer player without a team.

Our world is full of people like you who are giving and loving. I believe you are the majority though you may not seem to receive a lot of public attention.

I hope our society can cultivate a level of spirituality that will help us to hold onto the good in everyone we meet, learn to forget self, reach out to others and continue to expand our most generous instincts.

Love to you today!

P.S. Reaching out and “forgetting self” does not mean self-neglect. {After all, how can we give when we are exhausted or ill?} It’s a tricky concept, but because we are human and have constant needs for sleep and food and exercise, we have to learn to balance caring for self and caring for others. And all we can do is try and practice and learn as we go!

One rule is to first fill your cup, then go about sharing with those around you. If you are trying to function with an empty cup, your ability to give generously will be stifled or cease. What ways do you need to be fed? Rested? Nurtured? Please plug some of those needed things into your schedule today. Call the chiropractor. Make an appointment to get your eyes checked. Take an hour for a massage. Whatever it is that you currently need in order to be in balance, take the first step to put that care into motion. Today.
P.P.S. I hope you have a great week finding ways to strengthen yourself in order to contribute your gifts to your family, friends and community! I wish you well!