Every family has challenges. No, every family has multiple, on-going, at times life-threatening and or soul-threatening difficulties they are trying to work through.

And, while none of us are without challenges, there is so much strength in moving through them together! 

Funny how we really come to understand the strength of togetherness, when we witness or experience the death of a relationship or family unit.

Many of you have experienced this pain and my heart goes out to you! You know what it is to be without your people; without the structure and stability that each person contributes to the whole. For instance, you understand the subtle balancing of two parents as they combine strengths and accommodate for weaknesses, so much that you don’t know who does what, they’re just singularly, mom & dad.

Yes, our bonds, so profound and complex, are worth fighting for!

In part simply because facing life together is such an extreme blessing! We can collectively work and sweat and bleed if we have to in order to make it through, knowing that we are far stronger together {yes, even when someone in that together is driving you batty!} and that, with God’s help, we can weather the storm. Together.

I thank heaven for the together that is our family. There is no greater blessing in my life.

Be strong.
Be committed.
Be fierce in defending and supporting one another.
Guard and protect your union.
The dividends of togetherness are endless.

