Hey there my friend, I surely hope you are doing well!

I’ve been working on decision-making in the form of time-blocking.  That’s the Lioness term for time-management because it sounds more like me making decisions about my time vs. trying to adhere to a pre-made management system which would just make me crazy! (I have found that I am not alone when it comes to having some stubbornness present itself when it comes to making a plan.  Even when it is our own plan, often we feel the need to rebel, let alone if we feel that the schedule we have has been put upon us as someone else’s idea!)

My challenge, as always, is that there are so many things I want to do!  But what I’ve learned from doing this for 20 years or so is that when I make a plan, I generally get much more done and get to do many of those things on my long list of interests to pursue, than if I just go with the flow.  Or maybe I could say, if I just let things happen to me and I don’t take the lead in my own life, I don’t make much progress.

Last week I thought, I’d like my home to scream “decisiveness” all over the place, from the cupboards to the flower beds!  (This thought was inspired by a pile of clutter on my counter that was reminding me of my own indecision everytime I walked by it…and the fact that I have been on quarter speed or so for awhile!)

When I set things up so that my environment supports my goals, I don’t have to pull myself up by the bootstraps every day and figure out what needs to be done next!  So really, time-blocking, or making decisions about what you will do when, means needing to make fewer decisions in the long run.  And I am so good with that.

The biggest key for making the most of your time and energy is making a few large decisions first:

What is most important to me?

What do I want to accomplish in the next ______ weeks, months or years?

Knowing the answers to those questions makes the rest of the plan a filling-in-the-blanks exercise.

If I want to have handmade gifts ready for Christmas, I’d better get them identified and broken down into what I’m going to work on when.  (This month it is finishing a granny square afghan.)

If I want to have my closet in the laundry room re-organized, I’d better decide when I’ll do it and how long it may take. (And possibly enlist moral support! Carli!!)

If I want to get back in the groove of making date nights a priority, I’d better get some planned out and start talking about them and enjoying the anticipation!

There is much that we can’t control in our day to days.  The actions and decisions of others for instance.  But when we are doing what we can to direct our own lives, we are much less likely to feel compelled to want to control people and situations that are not ours to control.  Directing my life means doing my best to multiply myself and taking advantage of the opportunities I have to multiply goodness for others.

Are there decisions you can make today that will help you take another step forward?

Sending you my love and best wishes!
