Just a few kudos to you today!
I’m amazed at your progress, your grit and determination to continue onward and upward!
You are having “internal arguments” I know, but you are winning them. Ha! I mean, your best self is winning them!
You are putting one foot in front of the other and keeping things in motion. Your home is getting more and more orderly and you are gaining greater confidence that you can do what you say you will do. Hurrah!
I see that you are taking better care of yourself and being more mindful than ever about what you need and what will help you to be the best person and mother and spouse you can be. You are also gaining perspective on the merit of self-care and moving yourself up on the proverbial list!
I hope you are feeling more and more self-validation so you can let down your barriers and the intense need for self-protection–thereby enabling your to feel more of the love that is trying to get to you from those around you.
You are a force for good and generations of greatness are coming after you because of your faithful efforts to lift and to bless.
And finally, congratulations on all the baby steps you are taking that are making such an impact in the lives of your family members, even if you can’t see that impact now.
You’re doing it!
With love and gratitude,