We finished our last group meeting for the 7 Steps to Family Wellness Seminar today and I was so happy with the experience! {Every year has been a delight with wonderful ladies coming together to support each other, and this year was no exception.}

It never ceases to amaze me how different we each are and what wonderful things we learn from hearing about each person’s perspective and experiences. It’s healthy and broadening to be a part of a group of people striving to learn together. Synergy is awesome!

So here’s a bug in your ear:
if you haven’t lately, put your feelers out and tap into a group who are interested in learning some of the things you want to learn, whether that be oil painting or writing or swimming or budgeting or dancing or time-management or nutrition! Then join in!

This year in seminar, we were privileged to have Lionesses from seminar’s past to introduce and speak about each step and what they have learned and then incorporated into their lives. It was enlightening to hear their words and their experiences! I was inspired by them as they added layers of understanding and depth to topics I have taught many times. Their perspectives were unique and wonderful!

When I was in college as a non-traditional student, the traditional students {those young enough to be my children almost!} taught me so much. When I had a technology question, they answered it every time!

What is it that you want to learn next?

I hope you will be able to find a “tribe” of those who are moving in your direction so that you can gain from the synergy of a shared group experience and also that of each individual’s experience too as you share with one another.

I hope you are well! Please take good care of yourself this weekend.

