Drum roll please…
In the 7 Steps to Family Wellness seminar this month, we are working on self-care!
Would you like to join us?

Photo by ORNELLA BINNI on Unsplash
For the next 30 days, would you like to learn more about caring for yourself? About dispelling the confusion surrounding self-care vs. self-absorption or even self-conceit or vanity?
Starting here on the Lioness blog, on Monday, January 14th, I will challenge you to do these four things for 30 days:
1 Watch or listen to the declaration video that will be launching here on Lioness at the Door.com.
2 Read the Lioness blog each week day where you will find inspiration and new self-care ideas!
3 Do something, large or small, to care for yourself each day, then keep track of what you did and how it helped!
4 Chime in at least once a week {on the Lioness blog} in the comments to share a self-care idea or to report on something you have learned about the importance of taking care of yourself.
Sound like something that might bless your life? I hope so!
In fact, I’m imagining 1000 moms doing this challenge together! That would be 1000 families who have a mom who is getting stronger and healthier! That would be 1000 marriages that would benefit from greater balance of female hormones! That would be 1000 women who value themselves more than ever and who are more able to meet the challenges in their lives! And that would be 1000 moms who feel less stress and more joy.
Please join us and please invite your friends!
The challenge, while taking very little time, will offer profound results.
I wish you every good thing in the coming year!

“The mission of Lioness at the Door is to uplift, strengthen and encourage women of all ages to magnify health, hope and happiness at home. We do so boldly, with humility and gratitude for the opportunity.”
I’m in!
Nice to hear your voice Kaylyn! Welcome! xo