“Run away to a village to make it the center of the world.” Jules Renard

What is home if not the familiar, comfortable place where you can enjoy each other’s company and at times find a corner to enjoy a good book? To cook and to eat; to learn and to play.

Isn’t it amazing that there are no two homes just alike? Maybe that is because there are no two people, no two mothers or fathers or children who are just alike.

What we need and what we want and what we create is uniquely “us.”

What concerns me at times is the growing feeling that our places of retreat seem to have to be places for show. That somehow our kitchen needs to be Pinterest worthy…all the time. 

Just wanted to throw out a reminder to you today that life is a bit messy and wonderful and always in flux! You don’t have to have anything in perfection or hold it for show. Cleanliness is good. Order is wonderful! But it happens in spurts! Then things go back into creation mode while homework is being done or a project is being completed or dinner is being cooked.

Life is more about the state of our being than the state of our belongings. We can be in gratitude even in the middle of dinner dishes!

Whatever you have, love it. Embrace it in your mind and give thanks for the chance to learn to flex your creative muscles, and make sense out of the bits and pieces of the world that are yours.

Smile at your children and hold them close, even before all the jobs are done. Tomorrow will bring more choices, more progress and each day will bring times to celebrate the evolution of your unique family.

Let go of your worry and stress about the appearance of things, and breathe in the blessings of the day.

Sending my love to you!


P.S. A wise friend once told me that the world is wherever you are.