I say “wrong” because they aren’t true, and I’m referring to the songs in our culture that worship people, even those we love.

The music that says, “If you leave me, I won’t have any reason to go on.”

Or, those that sing along the lines of, “If you decide to be unfaithful to me, it would kill me.”

I reject those messages. For those of us who put our faith and hope in God, they are wholly untrue.

Instead, I would suggest lyrics and declarations that speak of our commitment and steadiness. Of our decisions and behavior. Of the divinity of our souls and the eternal purposes of God. And of the strength that comes from putting good faith and hope in the promises and fidelity of others, with the understanding that because of humanness, we ultimately lean and depend on God and His promises to us.

If the day ever comes, or already has come, that someone you love abandons their commitment to you, or in some way is unfaithful, I hope you will determine now that you will stand in strength; find forgiveness, beauty and newness in life because of your faith in and dependence on your Heavenly Father. For ultimately, giving the responsibility of our happiness to another person is a misuse of our agent-hood.

We all make mistakes. We all fall short. Only He is worthy of all praise and adoration.

Love and blessings,


“With God all things are possible,” even surviving, rising, discerning, forgiving and healing. God bless you!