A single smile, a word of thanks. A note in the mail, a call saying “hi”.

A pause in traffic {letting one person in} a wave of thanks, a nod, you’re welcome. An encouraging word. A few minutes to ponder. One loyal friend.

A humble meal. A story at bedtime. A piggy-back ride. Clean hair, gently organized into braids.

Every day life’s story is unfolding. Little by little, our thinking patterns become our beliefs then our acts.

All the while truth sounding, says clearly, it is the little things that make or break our plans, our hearts, our lives our loves, that create each new beginning. Nothing grand, just every day, simple things!

Contentment {a nearly banished Fairy} promises to immerse us in abundance, the Beauty and Majesty of our lives here…if we will only slow down so that in stillness, we will hear her whisper: “Right now, you are wealthy beyond measure; you love and are loved.”

Large doors turn on small hinges.

Can you do the small things? Fight the small battles? Give the small gifts? Not for applause or likes, just moving from your heart in the right direction an hour and a day at a time?

Can you feel love in this moment and let it’s clarity remove the sight-narrowing worries that make you blind to the treasures you already possess?

Life isn’t out there somewhere. It is right inside of you, longing to dance and sing, to laugh and to grow!

Let your life unfold, let your heart be calm. Let Love comfort you– open your arms and let it in!

Breathe in. Breathe out. Close your eyes and listen.

Somewhere rain is falling, seeds will sprout and in time buds will emerge.

Then flowers, gracefully, naturally, and willingly, will unfold.

This moment, this second, Love is offering you peace.

Take it!



P.S. Those who do the little things with great love, over and over, a life time long, are those who become wise and great and worthy of emulation.  Who do you know that has lived a life like that? Watch her! And listen, she’s probably humming.