Just a note to say, “Good work today!”
As you look back on this day, you may wonder if you did enough, or if you handled things well-
You may consider your efforts to keep peace and create order as lacking or you may be tempted to compare yourself to someone you know who seems to have everything together, and you may feel that you come up short when looking through that lens-faulty though it be.
You may wonder if you’ll last beyond sleeplessness, or if you will be able to make it through a challenging stage or growing pains that your child or your work or your marriage may be going through.
But just so you know, you’re not alone!
Many women before you have experienced and wondered the same things, and many women before you have made it beyond the very stage of life you’re in and not only lived to tell, but look back on it with wistful fondness. What an amazing time of personal growth!
I hope you’ll remember to take it just one day at a time. One story at a time. One meal at a time. One nap at a time. One prayer, one laundry day, one walk at a time.
I appreciate your dedication, investing your heart and soul and time and energy into raising well-connected and well-loved children. You amaze me!
I hope you can get some good rest; think about your successes; ask for and feel Heaven’s help and enjoy the time you have with your little ones as much as you possibly can.
You’re doing wonderfully well. Far better than you may know.
Rest well,
Photo by The HK Photo Company on Unsplash