Today I noticed that a basket of plants on my living room window seat were needing water.

They were beginning to wilt and some leaves are looking a bit washed out, more yellow than green.

Then I noticed that the sprinklers, just outside the window were spraying, watering the grass in the front yard.

And it struck me:

Like my plants, we can be thirsty and close to water, but not revive because being close to it isn’t the same as receiving it! Just because my plants where almost close enough to touch the outside water, the window and patio (and lack of mobility) would always keep these plants dry in the sight of water.

Yet that is the way we often live!

We know the truth that we are loved and valued, we understand it in our minds and even know where to find it and yet… we may stay in our parched and suffering state because we aren’t actually doing what it takes to receive it into our hearts.

Knowing where to find the healing balm we need is nice. But the only way to make it efficacious is by doing what it takes to actually apply it to ourselves!

We believe God loves us and yet, we sometimes don’t take the time to cultivate a relationship with HIm by owning our mistakes, repenting of all our unloving behaviors and then by receiving his love and acceptance by making His word part of us.

So if you’re feeling irritated, angry, put out or some other parched and thirsty wa;y of being, I challenge you to move right now toward the Source of all love, own your responsibility for being in that state and ask for the rush of heavenly water you need!

Spiritual dehydration isn’t necessary nor good for you or those who are depending on your love.

Sending you my best,


The mission of Lioness at the Door is to uplift, strengthen and encourage women of all ages to magnify health, hope and happiness at home. We do so boldly, with humility and gratitude for the opportunity.



Healing With Love



Healing With Love



Healing With Love