Good day to you, I hope you are well!
Today’s Mothers Standing Strong topic is refocusing on what matters most; in fact, on our greatest purpose in life.

Psalms 37:11 “But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.”
We know that there isn’t anything else in this world that is more important to us than our families. No award, no praise, no project or accomplishment means more to us than creating a safe and nourishing place for our marriages, children and extended family relationships to grow.
In fact, we know that the reason we are here is to create and cultivate relationships; with our parents, grandparents and siblings, our spouses, children and the blessed friends who help us along.
These ties and growth experiences are the stuff of heaven, the treasure we will take with us when we leave this earth.
The challenging-beyond-reason responsibilities of motherhood are the very opportunity we have to become the most expanded and loving version of ourselves that we possibly can be.
Our commitment to family gives us staying power when things are tough.
Our love of family gives us the courage to change. (Who else could inspire us to change and mature like our children can? No one!)
Our love and our children’s needs are the perfect recipe that wakes us up to our real selves; to recognize our weaknesses and selfishness, and urge us, for their sake’s, to continue to grow-up into our full measure as human beings. This plan is so utterly important and profound!

Our people are the reason we are here, and we are Standing Strong for them.
Heaven be thanked for the opportunity to learn in love.
A day at a time, we are learning. Together, we are becoming!
Bless you for all you are doing to lead your family in love! You may not have received recognition or maybe even thanks for your amazing efforts today, but I know God sees and knows and will reward you openly.
Much love,

The mission of Lioness at the Door is to uplift, strengthen and encourage women of all ages to magnify health, hope and happiness at home. We do so boldly, with humility and gratitude for the opportunity.