Isn’t it funny that we know so much about how to be well and  we could give ourselves “such very good advice” to slow down and be deliberate about our pace, to eat better and get more rest and yet…sometimes we stay stuck in indecision or in repeatedly doing things that we know aren’t good for us?

Well, chances are, we can do better.

Consider talking to someone about your goals and share some of your dilemmas or points of indecision. That way your challenges are out in front of you and you may be more likely to see them clearly!

And once your vision begins to clear, just by hearing yourself  talk and making some notes and or getting some feedback about what baby steps you can take to shift things up, things can really start moving and relief will be on the way!

I love all of the wonderful things you are doing with your God-given talents and the many opportunities He has given you to make the world better!

Just don’t forget that being here and contributing your unique gifts requires your health! So whatever you need to do to support your own well-being and contribute to your own sense of peace is a wonderful investment!

Love you!

