Hello friends. It’s been a few days of a technical difficulty and now we’re back online. Thank you for your patience!

Today I’d simply like to say, wow! You ladies amaze me!

You are fighting the good fight of finding time for self-care in the midst of very challenging circumstances. You may not feel like you are winning, but remember that every thought and every glance in the direction of caring for yourself is taking you closer and closer to your best self. Think on it, speak of it, enlist the support of your family and make it happen little by little.

You are learning from mistakes. You are learning about what makes you tick, what you natively do well and what you have to work to achieve.

You are learning that sometimes you react in ways you’d like to change. You see that you are susceptible to “button pushing” and you’re striving to be ever more in control of yourself.

You are gaining experience, the kind that brings wisdom with time, through each difficulty and in each realtionship.

You are hanging on and in the end, showing your true, beautiful colors.

You are tough. You are brave. You are, while human and ever-learning, a great force for good.

You are also learning to cut yourself some slack and to speak to yourself in a more tempered and gentle voice. You are also learning about the struggles of others which makes you feel less in competition with them and more charitable toward them.

You’re making it. Keep going. Find simple solutions to the small problems and you will find greater peace and success in the seemingly large issues before you.

Mostly, keep you eye on the prize. The prize of building a family and finding your best self and joy in the process.

With love and confidence,