What a treat! I’m so happy to get to share a recording with you of an interview aired this morning on KMTI radio. Larry Masco did a great job interviewing Erica Komisar, author of Being There: Why Prioritizing Motherhood In The First Three Years Matters.

There are some insightful, and scientific gems here ladies and I hope you might take a few minutes to listen and be reminded that what you are doing as a mother is of utmost importance. In fact, you are creating a future for your children that is connected and calm and full of potential growth.

I’ve been reading the book and have felt that I want to shout from the rooftops that we have got to pull it together as a society and become truly family and child-centric, not just in what we say but in the choices we make!

A startling statistic I read this morning is that over the last decade, there has been a 400% increase in mental illness in children and adolescents.

We need to get very clear on who we are as family leaders, what we are about day in and day out, and what we will and will not give our time to, and then boldly lead out by our example so that together we can change this downward trend.

More ahead on Lioness about this topic! I hope you’ll stay tuned!

Love and blessings to you,


Table Talk with Erica Komisar