I want to invite you to share in a challenge I have set for myself, being as it is the week of Thanksgiving and the third month of seminar!

{This month’s step is on learning the rules of validation, which in essence is learning to have clear boundaries!}

The two-part challenge is this:

First, validate your own needs by pouring on the self-care! 

This is the time we need it most, during the holidays when we have more to do and it’s easier than ever to say, “I don’t have time for that!”

And I’m talking about really simple things! It might look like this…

When you are going out in the cold, wear proper clothing. The temperature outside may call for a coat and or a scarf, gloves, hat and maybe boots. Take care of yourself and wear them.

If or when you begin to feel exhaustion hit, take a break. Put your feet up. Make a warm cup of peppermint tea. Read a chapter in your book. Roll your shoulders. Stretch.

Take a few minutes when you can to disengage your mind from what is pressing you. Read your scriptural text. Meditate. Focus on your breathing.

Plug in the activity you need to give those stress hormones the boot! Go for a brisk walk, keep going to your exercise class, turn on some fun music and move!

Guard your sleep as much as possible for the stage of life you’re in. Unplug your brain from screen time at least an hour before bed, drink some Sleepytime tea in the evening, consider a magnesium supplement if you’re having a hard time relaxing.

These are boundaries. You may struggle with them as I have, but keep working! Our progress is real and our focused efforts can yield greater health and strength!

The second part of the challenge is this: practice gratitude daily. Expressing gratitude is one of the most energy giving, perspective shifting activities I know. Practice, practice, practice! Give thanks for the small, almost insignificant blessings you enjoy, along with gratitude for the challenging experiences that have made your growth possible and able to appreciate the goodness in your life–we need the contrast don’t we?

I’m sending you my love and best wishes for a wonderful holiday!


P.S. We know it, but sometimes we forget: our daughters {and everyone we know} are watching how we are treating ourselves. The treatment we give ourselves will inform others how we expect to be treated. A little food for thought. Be well!