Hello my friend, how has your day been?

I hope you are speaking kindly to yourself and to others, and apologizing and giving forgiveness when necessary! {Yes, that is daily!}

In thinking about Christmas and the fact that the calendar is about to flip to a new year, I wanted to offer a valuable tool I learned about when my son was in the special education program. It’s called Social Stories. I used it to write stories about his life that would teach him new ways of doing things and about thinking new thoughts about himself. I remember one day I had written a simple story on several pieces of paper, drew simple stick figures for pictures and stapled them together.

As we sat on the living room couch reading the new story, our oldest son walked by on his way downstairs. The child who was reading with me called out to him and said, after reading a page with these words, “I am bright!”

Because it was in writing it was the gospel truth to that young mind and it was a stunning moment for me that still stirs me to tears.

What new stories need to be told at your house? Stories about children sharing with each other and getting along? Stories about everyone helping out and then being appreciated for their helpfulness?

What about stories of how to respond to friends in a difficult situation, or stories about when to talk to an adult about something that is troubling? When these stories are personalized, they are internalized.

You can use simple illustrations or you could put real pictures of your family in them. I took some pictures recently of my grandkids doing specific things so that I can use them to illustrate the kindness they have shown that I have observed and want to encourage in social stories.

To take this a little bit further, what about a story about your marriage or about making tender Christmas memories this year or lowering your stress level or incorporating new self-care plans like exercise or eating well? Adding pictures to these stories is like creating declarations on steroids! And the sky is the limit! Instead of just saying, “I care for myself,” you can add a picture of you making a smoothie or walking on the treadmill {the type-o I just corrected is too funny not to share– the “treat” mill! No, no, tread is better!} or lying in bed resting at the hour you desire to go to sleep.

What true creativity!  Actually creating the outcomes you desire by letting your mind see and catch hold of what you really want! What do you think, could some social stories end up in your family’s stockings this year?

You are magnificent. You are right where you need to be doing the challenging and exhilarating work of family creation and development. There isn’t a time in our lives, whether we are 20 or 85, when we stop developing these relationships. But certainly, one day at a time is all any of us can do, and second chances are available again and again. So don’t you quit! Keep going! If there are things that need to be made right, start now. If you need help, ask for it. Pray for what your heart truly desires and then hold to your faith and do your part to make miracles happen!

Love, love, love,
