I Need Christ, Especially at Christmas!

Hello, I hope this will be a joyful season for you! And in preparation, I’ve decided to share some of the perplexing problems I’ve experienced at Christmastime as a wife and mother. Many of my mothering years, I have felt overwhelmed by the “season...

Sweet Above All That is Sweet!

“When Lehi clung to the rod of iron, which represented the word of God, he was eventually led to the tree of life, which represented the love of God, and once tasting it, he exclaimed that it was “sweet above all that [he] ever before tasted” (1...

Priorities & Privileges

In order to be loving daughters, sisters, wives and mothers, we need to know and feel that we are loved. This is priority number one. Gathering that love into our lives by communing with God through prayer, scripture study, consuming conference talks and good music is...

The Only Way Forward

Sisters, I hope this finds you well. I am aware of the many challenges you are facing. I hear some of the growing aches and pains you are experiencing in your marriages and families . Some of you may be feeling despondent, hopeless and wondering why you should try...

Real Comfort, Real Strength

Hello my friend, I hope this post finds you well! I’ve had some thoughts in my love gathering this week that I want to offer for your consideration. (I’m sure you have also been finding real strength and comfort through your study and prayer, and I would...