You’re Not Alone

It seems to me that one of the most, if not the most, discouraging “fiery dart” is the thought and then consequent feeling that you are experiencing life alone.  That you are isolated for one of a million reasons and that leaves you wondering if anyone has...

You Are Loved!

Here’s a simple but power-packed question for you to consider: What if you knew, deep in your bones, that you are fully and unconditionally loved, right now? In other words, what if you knew you didn’t have to prove yourself in order to be loved? Or to...

Free 7 Day Challenge Starts Tomorrow!

REGISTER HERE Last call for this week’s 7-Day event!  You are invited to join in our second, FREE 7-Day Challenge, for creating and or maintaining our most important self-care habits!  We’ll be focusing on our daily love gathering routine. Do you have one...

What’s the Goal, Jedi Mama?

Hello, I hope this post finds you well! I’ve been thinking the last few months about the difference it makes when we know what our greatest, ultimate goal is, and from there, what our smaller, daily goals are. I’m not talking about accomplishing or...