Creating Home Series

I am happy to announce that I'll be sending out a series of posts on the topic of intentionally creating home; a place where your people feel welcomed, loved, fed, challenged, held accountable, nourished and most of all, where they feel they belong. Time and loving...

Frozen Food: Making Quality, Quick!

Hello! I hope this finds you well. This last weekend we pressed the apples we harvested from my dad's yard across the street. So. Many. Apples! But, before we could press, we needed to straighten up our freezers so we could make more room for juice! In the process, I...

Learn, Teach, Repeat!

I'm very happy to share this little booklet with you! (Grab your FREE downloadable copy here.) There is no time to lose when it comes to learning the principles of unconditional love and then teaching them to your kids! And, not only will you find greater peace and...

Getting Through the Layers to Love

How do you want to feel? Would you like greater ability to direct your mind and heart toward less drama and more peace? Like when you're experiencing intense frustration? Or power struggles or when you recognize that you've been snapping or yelling? Or just beginning...

Need Some “Spectrum Advice?”

Are you or someone you know, raising a child on the autism spectrum? I'm writing today to let you know that there is a great opportunity for support, information, guidance and encouragement available for anyone who is living on that special planet and could use some...

Cleaning the Pantry & Learning to Love

 A few weeks ago push came to shove! I had been keenly aware that my pantry was disheveled and needing attention, but I just kept ignoring it feeling like it could wait while I focused on more timely things. But then, at the same time, the material covering the open...

Healing With Love & You

I am crazy about helping women of faith who struggle with stress and pain, to find balance in their health and relationships. I have been the person with chronic pain and depression and have experienced a great deal of drama and unrest in family relationships. That is...

Delicious “Pumpkin” Cake

I wish I could share a piece of this with you! It is moist and the flavor is rich! I put pumpkin in quotes because most often I use butternut squash instead of pumpkin. I prefer the texture of the squash and the ease of cooking it and putting it in the freezer to use...

A Change of Heart Doesn’t Include Feeling Ashamed

Oh boy. The change we are working on, that of coming to a place where we feel unconditionally loved enough to love our children unconditionally and teach them to be responsible, can feel overwhelming, taxing, exhausting, painful, shameful and unending! Hello my...