Bread & Breakfast
“Mrs. Henry Gillespie”
I have an embossing stamp that used to be my Granny's. It reads, "Mrs. Henry Gillespie" along with her return address. Can you imagine having your identity listed in that way? Interesting isn't it, how many things have changed in such a short period of time! For...
Who You Are
Are you ready for a little profundity?? In a discussion recently, I heard a very deep thinker say, Photo by Jon Phillips on Unsplash "I'm always changing to be who I've always been." {Stanford Yonkers} Swish that around and see how it settles! To me, it is soul...
We Need You!
Ever get tired of feeling like you don't measure up or that you're the only one who didn't get the memo about life or that somehow you just don't fit in? The great irony is that everyone feels like that sometimes! But the truth is: You do measure up. You aren't the...
Giving From Gratitude
There are so many things we learn in our scriptural texts that have far greater reaching outcomes than we can imagine. Only with practice and experience and a lot of living do we get glimpses of the layers of meaning that are there for our benefit! One such principle...
Clean & Fresh
Isn't it comforting to step out of a bath or shower and dry off with a soft, fluffy, sweet-smelling towel? And isn't it awful when the towel you just washed and dried smells sour, even though you used a good detergent and put it promptly into the dryer, and maybe even...
Just You
Whether you are young or old; Rich or poor; Your presence in your family is what they value most. And isn't it funny that it's the little, seemingly insignificant things you do that make the biggest impact? Dancing in the kitchen with Grandma after dinner. Toast with...
Visualize It!
I can't believe how much visualization helps! Have you done that before? Well, we all have used this tool when we worry. Only it's actually a misuse of the tool, right? We can see in our minds eye how something is will or is going wrong, how someone is thinking about...
Positive or Poisonous?
Good day my friend! I hope this day finds you well. I've been thinking a lot lately about the idea of perfecting, or in other words, the process of becoming our whole and complete selves-- contrasted with the faulty notion we sometimes buy into, that we will know...
Boldness, Not Overbearance
30 years ago, while I was in the hospital waiting for labor inducing drugs to take effect, I started reading a book about an American Indian tribe. {Happy birthday Brad and thanks for the book Vicki!} Specifically significant to me was a chapter about a young Indian...
In Preparation
We are always faced with change! Some we like and welcome, like as a balm for our relief. Some we feel blind-sided by because we didn't see it coming, or because it impacts our lives in some way we may not feel ready to navigate. But most often, whether we know it or...
Keep The Faith
After being inspired, deciding to implement that inspiration, and beginning some new behavior, there is a space of time before you actually see the results. It's the growing time. And sometimes we get impatient and want proof right now that we are on the right track,...
Home Again!
Hello my friends! I'm happy to be back at the keyboard after a little construction work has been happening on the Lioness site! {It was perfect timing since I've been on a little vacation too.} I hope you'll take a minute to look around here and see the changes that...
His Brain; Her Brain
I used to think that women were capable multi-tasker's. That we could swoop into a room and accomplish ten things at a time! And, as if we were using a magic wand, we could see the results of our powers in quick succession. Wow! Photo by Peter...
Right as Rain
There is purpose in rain. Though it can be cold. And inconvenient. And seem to ruin the best-laid picnic plans. Photo by Jon Ly on Unsplash There is purpose in the cold, inconvenient, plan-changing events in our lives. We just have to move through the experience and...
True Motives
What motivates you? Really, deep down? Maybe I could ask, what gives you the most satisfaction? I can think of several big events in my life that have represented a lot of effort, sometimes years of work to get to that culminating, celebratory moment. And they were...
Take Hold!
Part of the "growing up" that we are all trying to do, is learning to move our minds in the direction we need them to go. Case in point: When you have a big day ahead of you, is your automatic or untrained way of thinking, to move into stress and fear and anxiety? Or...
The Cream of the Cream
I was thinking about you today. And the more I thought, the more it sunk home to me how wonderful you are! You are the best of the best. You are hard-working and loyal. Photo by Andrae Ricketts on Unsplash You are kind, gentle, respectful and FIRM. You are willing to...
What They Really Need
When our children were small, we opted not to have t.v. reception. It was always interesting to me to see the difference in our kids when we were staying for a short time anyplace there was a lot of t.v. watching. All of a sudden, they were preoccupied with what they...
Make Pudding Not Proof
Kind of like saying, make love not war! Only, we don't really plan to create war when we think we have to prove ourselves to others. But that thinking does create contention, by inevitably, creating competitive situations with everyone around us. Today though, I'd...
To quote my daughter, "There is peace in decision." And it's true isn't it? Photo by Arnel Hasanovic on Unsplash When I find places for things that have been sitting around without a home; when I make a plan with a friend; when I decide what I'm cooking for the week;...
Walk On
The longer I live, the more convinced I am that at least 75% of our success will be attributed to the fact that we kept moving. Not that we just kept busy, necessarily. But more that we kept moving through experiences, instead of getting stuck in them. Do you...
Gathering Light
Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash Keep trying. Keep moving. Keep asking. Keep deciding. Keep rowing. Keep loving. Keep growing. Keep shedding. Keep learning. Keep evolving. Keep praying. Keep soaring. Hope is smiling brightly before you. Close your eyes and see her...
Nurturing Civility
Civility: politeness, courtesy, respect, mannerliness, graciousness, consideration, gentility. Think of what can be lost when a family doesn't practice civility at home -opportunities to connect; to work as a team; to support one another; to learn patience and...
“Finish It Flaversham!”
Ha! This is one of our family's most frequent movie quotes. Do you recognize it? It was hissed at the clock maker, Hiram Flaversham, by the evil Professor Ratigan. Do you remember that part of The Great Mouse Detective? Photo by Arno Smit on Unsplash...
Consider This
I was reminded this week of something I believe about you. You may not agree, or you may feel that the evidence of your life as it is today may suggest otherwise, but here it is: I believe you were prepared for the joys and challenges you are experiencing right now....
Think Process
Do you ever get out of patience because it seems as though you are teaching and learning, but you don't know if you or your children are making any progress? Teaching and learning are kind of like growing out a bad haircut. It takes 1000 times longer than you want it...
I'm excited to share an article with you that a dear friend recently shared with me. {Thank you Ann!} She reports that it was written at least 40 years ago and has no byline except, Anonymous. Knowing that this was written before many of you were born, I offer a few...
The Gathering
I love baskets. There are so many things you can organize and carry and make beautiful with them! And it seems that we women are drawn to the process of collecting and storing whether it be food for a family or fabric for a new project. Photo by Annie...
Small Means
It never ceases to amaze me how misaligned our beliefs can become. Do we sometimes think that our life won't really have meaning until we accomplish some big and public thing? Or that what we do in family life each day somehow pales in comparison to what we or others...
Letting Go
When we trust in God's timing we can: Photo by Yuriy Kovalev on Unsplash Back off. Live in the present. Rest when we're tired. Accept and embrace what we're experiencing today. Recognize our need for learning and accept our humanness. Tread lightly. Take time to study...
Potato Leek Soup
I love leeks. They have a very rich but mild onion flavor. I worked on this recipe yesterday and was pleased with the result so I thought I'd share. If you decide to try it, I hope you'll enjoy! Prepare the leeks first. What I didn't show in this picture is something...
Scrumptious Salad
This salad was a hit! We used a mix of greens, topped with: Fuji apple, dicedFresh blueberriesRed onion, finely slicedSproutsCucumbers, peeled and dicedPoppyseed dressing We usually have a bowl of greens, that have been washed and torn into bite-sized pieces and are...
Expectations Be Banished!
Do you ever ride the roller coaster of "failed" expectations? Such as when a holiday comes and you have some special hopes in mind, things that your spouse might do to celebrate an occasion or to show you that they care? And then maybe that day comes and those hopes,...
Anyone working on getting rid of a cold or the flu at your house? I hope not, but if so, here's a simple idea for making lemon juice ice cubes and a soothing tea of lemon, ginger and honey. When you find lemons for a good price, stock up and juice them all at once....
Day 30- Victory!
I'm so proud of you! I'm so proud of us! Photo by Florian Klauer on Unsplash Wow, we made it to day 30! Huuuurah!!! So now I ask, what did you learn about yourself during this process? Have you spent more time building your reserves? Have you improved...
Day 29- Write a New Story
The story that is being told in our heads can determine whether we truly care for ourselves or not. And how easy or difficult self-care will be. If it's a negative or stagnant story, it may be draining our energy and resources. If it's a story of forward motion, of...
Day 28- Pay The Price
I have a friend who is struggling mightily to find purpose and meaning in existence, and to discover anything that will trump their thoughts of anxiety and worry in day to day life. It's a massive struggle and, it's also challenging to watch! Mostly because there is a...
Day 27- Practice Contentment
"Paradise is where I am." Voltaire Photo by Joel Holland on Unsplash What is contentment? Is it all beauty and no rush? Is it order and growing? Is it possible? Is it quiet or loud? Is it peaceful? Is it now? To care for yourself, I hope you might consider creating a...
Day 26- Peace Like a River
Life can be pretty challenging. And finding peace sometimes seems illusive! Photo by Matthew Smith on Unsplash is always there, waiting for you to opt in! To care for yourself, whenever you feel harried or haggard, happy or hungry, you can step quietly into a...
Day 25- Self-care, Self-talk
Hello Ladies! I hope you are feeling better and better as this 30 Day Challenge progresses! We're nearing the finish line! Today, I re-publish this post from 2014. {Where did that time go?} But first I'd like to say that I appreciate your comments. I hope you will...
Day 24- Henna Happy!
A few years ago I stumbled upon a product that I love. It's a healthy version of something many of you like and use, so I thought I'd share it as today's self-care idea! First though, a little background. Some of the health struggles I've had have taught me that the...
Day 23- Looking Inside
Hello! I'm glad you are continuing on this journey with me! {Side note: if you've subscribed to the Lioness blog but aren't receiving a daily email, please check your spam box!} Our path to learning and implementing better self-care habits is vitally important. This...
Day 22- On Leadership
Self-care for a parent is critical! It takes so much energy and grit to lead doesn't it? We need to give ourselves every possible advantage in part because of the fact that being a family leader means learning how to deal with disappointment. We all know that in...
Day 21- Faith to Knock
We have been promised that if we seek, we will find. If we knock, the way will be opened. If we ask, the answers will come. I believe it. Many, many times I have knocked, sought and asked. Many times I have been answered, the way has been opened and many times I have...
Day 20- What Do You Need?
I'm so glad you are here taking this self-care journey. Good for you! 20 days down and only 10 to go! Today, I'd challenge you to take a few minutes to think about what you need today. Asking the question is part of knowing how to care for ourselves. Photo by Ian...
Day 19- Speak For Yourself
Hello! Welcome to the 19th day of our focus on self-care. I'm so glad you're here! Photo by Alice Donovan Rouse on Unsplash Today, I'm posting the script of the declaration video so that you can speak them aloud for yourself. I would suggest that you...
Day 18- Wash Your Mouth!
Ever make your own body care products? Here's a simple idea for mouthwash that works well! Fill a plastic squeeze bottle with water. Add 5-10 drops of a high quality peppermint essential oil. Just shake, squirt into your mouth, swish and spit it out. No chemicals. No...
Day 17- Time to Be
Your children are young right now. They won't be tomorrow. They are curious and hungry to learn. They learn from play and experimentation and discovering the world in their own backyard! This all happens just once. Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash...
Day 16- Overwhelmed by Grace
Hello my friend! How is your self-care journey coming along? Thank you for the words of wisdom and experience you have shared in your comments! Please continue! Something that I believe is crucial to creating a self-caring environment for yourself is learning to...
Day 15- Feel Loved!
What if 50% of our planet's population opened their hearts to feel loved today? Would the world be forever changed? Is the love there? I believe it is. What would it take to achieve that feeling? Photo by Nana Andoh on Unsplash A willingness to be still; to quiet the...
Day 14- Close The Gap
Photo by Paul-Louis Pröve on Unsplash The following quote can be applied to many things. It rings true for me in the context of what we believe about ourselves; our faith; our marriages; our children; our circumstances, etc. It was given in a spiritual setting, and of...
Day 13- Primary Food
What do you do, that nourishes you? What do you do that is so interesting and enjoyable that you seem to lose track of time when you're doing it? Photo by Bench Accounting on Unsplash Have something in mind? {Or even something that you want to learn?} How can you...
Day 12- On Self-Care
Here is a post from two years ago, that I want to dust off and share with you again today. It's a quote from someone who has done a great deal of writing about addiction, codependency and recovery. Her name is Melody Beattie and she's been an incredible teacher to me...
Day 11- Block Your Time
Hello my friend, I hope you're doing well today. It's been fun to hear your ideas and questions and experiences. Thank you for joining in the conversation! Photo by Jessica Ruscello on Unsplash Today's self-care idea is about easing up the stress in your life by...
Day 9- Te Fiti or Te Ka?
The first time I watched Disney's Moana I was moved. The story says so much about identity and personal power that it brought me to tears. The part that made me laugh and smile for days on the other hand, was seeing that Te Ka was actually the seemingly heartless...
Day 8- Epsom Salt Spa
How are you coming on your challenge? I would love to hear from you! I love Epsom salt. I use it quite a bit in a bath, in the shower {with the drain covered to hold the salt water in}, in a foot bath or for making lovely bath salts with flower petals and essential...
Day 7- Be Still
There is so much rest and peace when we can be still inside. Even if it is for a few seconds or a few minutes. At almost any time, and almost anywhere, you can take a deep breath, close your eyes and hold your mind still. Let your face relax. Breathe in and as you...
Day 6- Write it Out
Journaling. What a magical word! Photo by Rachel Lynette French on Unsplash {How did she know?} If you haven't discovered this tool, I hope you will give it a try! If something is bothering you, you can dump it out of your mind by writing it out. If you...
Day 5- Warm Oil Treat Are the words and music, colors and pictures from the video getting inside your head? I hope so! {Heather, Stacy and the rest: I'm grateful for you talented and beautiful women! For your work on and appearance in this project! Thank you...
Day 10- Simply Clean!
I'm so glad you're here! Day 10! Yay for us! How are you feeling about self-care at this point? Is the constant need of caring for yourself becoming clearer? Have you implemented any of the ideas you have read thus far? If so, I'd sure love to hear about your success!...
Day 4- Get Moving
As I mentioned in a previous post, please take only the self-care ideas you need from these posts, and just keeping working all the good habits you already have going in your life! To meet the 30 Day Challenge, you don't necessarily need to do something new everyday....
Day 3- Declare It!
I hope you're having a great week thus far, and I hope you are enjoying the video and blog post prompts to shift the way you care for yourself. I'm so glad you're here! Today, I want to encourage you to take 10-15 minutes and write out 5-10 declarations that will...
2019-Here We Come!
Are you ready to take a little self-care journey with me and the Lionesses who are currently engaged in the 7 Steps to Family Wellness seminar? {If you want increase the likelihood of your success in this challenge, declare your intention to join us in the comments...
The 2019 Self-Care Challenge!
Drum roll please... In the 7 Steps to Family Wellness seminar this month, we are working on self-care! Would you like to join us? Photo by ORNELLA BINNI on Unsplash For the next 30 days, would you like to learn more about caring for yourself? About...
Thought Training
{Coming soon to Lioness: a declaration video that you will be able to watch or listen to each day, to inspire you to believe the truth about yourself! When I post it, I'm also going to give you a 30 day challenge to go with it! I'm so excited!} But before it's here, a...
Very Well!
Just a note to say, "Good work today!" As you look back on this day, you may wonder if you did enough, or if you handled things well- You may consider your efforts to keep peace and create order as lacking or you may be tempted to compare yourself to someone you know...
Feminine and Fine I am hearing some business and thought leaders saying that femininity is needed in our world. Hurrah! Yes, yes I completely agree! And I'm encouraged by the growing realization that when women shift into a driven, competitive, aggressive...
Spend vs. Invest
Just a note about goal-setting for the new year... Be strong. Have vision. Lead out. One surefire way to bomb out on goals is to set big goals and then fail to break them down into bite-size pieces! In Lioness coaching, we write out a vision for the year, then...
Time to Grow
I received sweet clarity after I prayed recently and told my Heavenly Father all I was feeling. {I love the true validation Heaven sends!} Feelings about my efforts to balance my life and appropriately support my children and grandchildren; about my own inadequacy and...
Lake at Evening
How are you doing this beautiful winter solstice night my friend? Are you enjoying your family and friends, or are you uptight and trying to squeeze in a few more preparations for Christmas? {Without the uptight part, can we do both, prepare and enjoy?} Every year, I...
Wisdom of Ages
"Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom."Proverbs 13:10
My Plan:
This post is inspiration and then an unblushing ad. Just so you know off the top. Two designs of Lioness planners are available for order, but first a word about the why. I heard a wise man say, "plan your work and work your plan." Sounds like a good idea doesn't it?...
Joy, Contentment & Humor
On good days, and in challenging times. When we're together, or even when we're apart. When we feel strong, and when we feel in need of strengthening. When we are confident and moving forward- or when we are standing still, trying to take our bearings. When we feel...
“Oh, I Can Feel It!”
{That is a Kronk quote in case you haven't seen the Emperor's New Groove lately.} Only I'm talking about feeling the power of validation! Don't be a "baaaaad llama"; to validate, have your ears open and mouth shut! {I couldn't resist this picture!} When your child has...
Your Alpha
Remember the song from Alice In Wonderland that says, "I give myself such very good advice, but I very seldom follow it"? It makes me smile because I have sung it under my breath on a few occasions when I realized that I'd earned a consequence I didn't want...
A Case for Clarity
I heard someone say that thinking in terms of do's and don't's is negative. Mmmm. I wholeheartedly disagree. What a gift parameters are! What a gift the word "no" can be! My child is playing outside, we live by a street where cars go by, would I be a good parent not...
Love You
Let's get right to the heart of it: loving you is important. In fact it's so important that accepting and loving others is nigh on impossible to do without love and acceptance of self. Remember when you have had moments of feeling enough; of feeling loved; of feeling...
Whose Is It?
Learning to know where we end and where our children begin is of utmost importance. What problems/challenges/desires/opportunities belong to us? Which problems/challenges/desires/opportunities belong to them? Our children need us to get this right. They need to learn...
That’s It!
If you're a parent you'll know what I mean when I say that some of the pep talks I've given my kids get given back to me when I need them! No doubt this will be one. And that's good! It means they're listening in and... heaven knows, I do need reminders! To start, a...
The Art of Questioning
Questions are magical. They narrow our focus, as if through a special seeking lens, onto something we don't yet know. Then, seeing through our seeking lens, we begin to see the answers before us. But we can't be lazy about questions. Questions that hang around, yet...
On Purpose
Hello my friend! I hope that you are off to a good start this week, speaking kindly to yourself and validating your feelings and efforts. Just wanted to reiterate something we discussed back in Step 1 of the 7 Steps to Family Wellness Seminar which was, Take Charge of...
Cleaning House
Have you had the experience of walking into someone's home and feeling the peace of cleanliness and decision-making? {By that I mean there isn't overwhelming clutter and commotion, but mostly calmness and order underneath the daily activities of cooking, creating and...
Banana Pancakes!
My daughter-in-law shared this recipe with me last week. It certainly is a hit with all the kids in our family so I wondered if you might be interested in giving it a try! It couldn't be easier! Put 1 banana in the blender, then add: 1/4 cup oatmeal2 eggs1/2 teaspoon...
Boundaries For Balance
Ever feel that you're not sure if you should be pushing yourself to do more or if you should slow down and do less? This is a daily question for we women, particularly mothers who are doing their best to cover the every day demands of a family such as planning and...
The Strong Center
I love being married and I love all of the good things that have come as a consequence of the decision we made many years ago to join our lives together to create a family. Over the last few weeks, we've had the pleasure of watching our married children celebrate some...
Eat For Balance!
Sometimes we experience a complete disconnect between what we eat and how we feel. In fact, we can be so unaware at times that we don't even recognize how we feel or what we ate or how some things effect us. Not just our weight or food allergy symptoms, but also our...
Your strength is extraordinary! Your ability to keep going even when you are hurting. Your drive to function {even cheerfully} on half a night's sleep....again. Your tenacity. Your determination to lead. To teach. To train. In a word, your love makes you as strong as...
Apache Blessing
"May the sun bring you new energy by day, may the moon softly restore you by night, may the rain wash away your worries, may the breeze blow new strength into your being. May you walk gently through the world and know its beauty all the days of your life."...
Your Needs Matter
I want to invite you to share in a challenge I have set for myself, being as it is the week of Thanksgiving and the third month of seminar! {This month's step is on learning the rules of validation, which in essence is learning to have clear boundaries!} The two-part...
Singing in S P A C E
Isn't it amazing how wonderful it is to see empty space in drawers, cupboards, closets, counter tops and storage areas? Empty space is like room to breathe. Like a resting spot for our eyes. A calmness in our minds. Room in our souls. More space is more life!...
Simple and Smooth
Ladies! A simple, healthy idea for you sent with much love and best wishes on this weekday morning... First, the back story. I made Swiss Oats one evening to eat for breakfast the next day, but then found I wasn't too thrilled to eat them the next I...
Decisions, Decisions
Our month of Step 2 is coming to a close! {I'm referring to the Lioness 7 Steps to Family Wellness seminar that is in progress!} Did you decide to join us in clearing out the clutter of our homes and schedules? I am amazed again at the peace that comes when we put...
German Potato Salad
Oh my, this dish was delicious so I thought I'd share! You can serve this warm or cold, and for those of you who aren't crazy about mayonnaise, this recipe is particularly for you! Wash, cut and dice three large potatoes and cook in salted water until they are tender...
A Woman of Vision
Hello! Just wanted to share a few thoughts from a book I'm reading for our Ladies Literary Club this month called, Martha Washington, by Patricia Brady. First, here is a quote from Martha that could have been written two centuries later by a positive psychologist:...
How To Love While You Lead
Here are a few ideas about how to love your kids, even while you are doing your best to lead them to better things, like say, a clean room... 1 Be Quiet So much of our mother-yacking becomes so much background noise and does nothing to help our children attend to what...
Cracker Jack!
This is an approximate recipe from The Diet Rebel's Cookbook. {We have enjoyed trying their dessert recipes for special occasions!} This baked popcorn is simple but it does take a little time to bake and you need to stir it at intervals. Thank heaven for a loud timer!...
What’s Your Style?
Are you a mover-shaker? Or do you calmly focus on details? Are you spontaneous and random? Or is your approach more structured and precise? If you don't know how to answer these questions, I'd suggest that you take a few minutes to consider them and get to know...
Active Learning
"The first idea that the child must acquire, in order to be actively disciplined, is that of the difference between good and evil; and the task of the educator lies in seeing that the child does not confound good with immobility, and evil with activity." Maria...
Think on Purpose
"Every good thought you think is contributing its share to the ultimate result of your life." Grenville Kleiser Joy; calm; well-being; love; happiness; fulfillment; achievement; worthiness; sustenance; generosity; acceptance; creativity: we can think on these! Happy...
Quiet Please!
I remember one day when our kids were little, my brother visiting and hearing the classical music that was playing in our house, and probably seeing that I was tired and ready for bed at 8:00, said something like, "You need a little more music in your life!" as he...